Beyond 2020: Ireland’s Virtual Record Treasury


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England ruled Ireland for 700 years and all their official documents relating to Ireland were stored in a magnificent six-storey Victorian archive building known as the Record Treasury.  This building served as the Public Record Office of Ireland and one afternoon, hundreds of thousands of English government records concerning Ireland, dating back to the 13th century, went up in flames in the fire at Dublin’s Four Courts, at the outset of the Irish Civil War, on June 30th, 1922

Genealogists are very aware of the lost of these records and the gaps their absence create in their family trees.

There is some very exciting news

Trinity Collegy Beyond 2020

Trinity Collegy Beyond 2020

Trinity College Dublin have plans for historians and computer scientists to create a 3D Virutal Reality reconstruction of Ireland’s Public Record Office, the shelves and their contents – the records, registers, maps and other works relating to the people and the country.

Data for the records will be drawn from millions of surviving documents and copies of the lost records in museums, libraries, archives and private collections around the world.

Watch this video from Trinity College for the glorious details


Trinity college released details of their very ambitious plans, click / tap their own website for the whole inside story

Click / Tap Beyond 2020 for their new website